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Tools for cross-sectorial cooperation in Youth work

The project will gather together youth workers and specialists dealing with youth from 4 countries: Norway, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania.

Learning objectives:
to develop cross-sectoral cooperation competencies for youth workers and specialists dealing with youth issues, to promote cooperation and establish cooperation structures at the local level.

Expected results:
1) Participants are introduced to tools for the evaluation of cross-sectorial cooperation in the youth work;
2) Introduction to possible formats of cross-sectorial cooperation in the field of youth;
3) Shared examples and practices of cross-sectorial cooperation in Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Germany and beyond;
4) Improved competencies to run youth policy planning and implementation at the local level.
5) Strengthened capacity of cooperation at the local level, promoting their sustainability.

Target groups:
- youth workers (workers of any level involved in youth work; including those who work directly with young people in NEET situations);
- youth specialists, those responsible for youth policy planning;
- local authorities/decision makers responsible for youth policy;
- staff of educational institutions, staff of alternative education;
- social workers, representatives of social services;
- researchers, academics;
- employers, employment agencies, representatives of employment offices;

Søknadsskjema: https://forms.gle/Y8ssrtmZaAbHS6tF6

28. februar

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